May 16, 2024


Rachael Slobodien


CONWAY, AR – Today, Opportunity Arkansas, in partnership with Arkansas Learns and The Reform Alliance, announced a new initiative, For AR Families. The group will work to ensure Arkansans know the truth about the misleadingly named “Education Rights Amendment of 2024.”

As part of the announcement, For AR Families also released an explainer video entitled “BLANK CHECK” that breaks down the radical components of the proposed amendment including:

  • The creation of multiple massive new welfare programs that would be cemented in the state constitution, without any pay-for mechanisms;
  • The end of education freedom in all forms; and
  • Significant, unconstitutional violations of religious liberty.

Newly-released analysis from Opportunity Arkansas Foundation projects that just three of the proposed new welfare programs would cost Arkansas taxpayers more than $1 billion annually. These costs would be borne by hardworking Arkansans through new tax increases and undo significant tax reform progress seen in recent years.

In the coming weeks, For AR Families will continue significant education efforts to inform Arkansans about the dangers and unknown costs of the union-backed attack on Arkansas workers and families. These efforts will include a robust social media campaign, media engagement, town hall meetings, original research, and more.

Together, the initiative is prepared to spend in excess of six figures to ensure Arkansans understand and are educated about the perils and costs associated with this reckless proposal.

Upon announcing the initiative and launching a new microsite (, the following organizations offered these remarks:

“Arkansans deserve to know the truth about this latest sneaky, union-backed attack on our state. From an unknown number of tax increases to new welfare programs and everything in between, this proposed amendment would cement a blank check into our state constitution. It would raise taxes on hardworking Arkansans. It would destroy our state budget. It would punish thousands of Arkansas families who are experiencing the benefits of education freedom. It’s the most radical proposal in my lifetime.” - Nic Horton, Founder and CEO, Opportunity Arkansas
“As a result of the LEARNS Act, students and families in Arkansas are finally able to choose the school that is best for their children’s needs. Sadly, if this radical proposal were to become part of our state constitution, education freedom would be gone forever. Worse still, generations of Arkansans would be robbed of the bright future and opportunities available because of school choice. Not to mention, the proposed amendment stomps on religious freedom and likely violates the First Amendment of the Constitution. And that’s why ForARFamilies is committed to educating Arkansans about what’s at stake if this amendment makes it on the ballot in November.” - Laurie Lee, Chairman, The Reform Alliance
“The AEA/NEA teachers union and its radical Leftist allies seek to impose central government sameness on all Arkansas education. To preserve its status quo monopoly, the union wants to deny to the poor and middle class what those of means have always had and will always have — true choice among all options to educate their children. This proposed ballot amendment is just their latest attempt to remove parents as the ultimate decider on what’s best for their children and replace them with a one-system-fits-all, year-round, central government controlled education system from birth on. The LEARNS Act finally placed parents in control of their children’s education, but the union wants to remove those hard won rights and return power to the central government to control school districts, charter schools, private/independent schools, and home schools from Little Rock. And if that’s not bad enough, their proposed amendment requires that the Legislature give them a blank check of taxpayer funds to implement their destruction of student-focused education, no matter the cost.” - Gary Newton, CEO, Arkansas Learns

For meetings, bookings, or interviews, contact Rachael Slobodien via email at

About Opportunity Arkansas Foundation
Opportunity Arkansas Foundation is an independent, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization on a mission to renew the Land of Opportunity by simplifying government and solving generational problems for the next generation. OA stands ready to partner with state policymakers who share these goals. To learn more, visit


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