Poll: Nearly Two In Three Arkansas Voters Support Using Surplus To Reduce Income Tax Rates

September 7, 2023 /

September 6, 2023

Rachael Slobodien


LITTLE ROCK – Today, Opportunity Arkansas Foundation released a new poll that finds an overwhelming appetite for continued income tax reform in Arkansas.

While rumors of an income tax-focused special session of the Arkansas General Assembly continue to marinate, this latest survey clearly shows Arkansas voters want more tax relief – and they want it soon.

Specifically, nearly 2 out of 3 voters want to see the state’s $1 billion-plus surplus returned to taxpayers through permanent income tax relief, including a majority of Democrats and independent voters.

In July, Opportunity Arkansas called for a special session to provide additional tax relief. OA continues to believe a special session is warranted to bring more good-paying jobs to Arkansas, help Arkansas small businesses, and provide much-needed relief to Arkansans who are struggling under the weight of Bidenflation. Quite simply, Arkansans can’t afford to wait until April’s fiscal session for more tax relief.

Upon release of the poll, Opportunity Arkansas Founder and CEO Nic Horton explained:

“We have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to provide transformative change for generations by reducing the amount Arkansans pay in income taxes. As great as the Natural State is, we can make it better by letting Arkansas workers keep more of their hard-earned money.

“We need more good-paying jobs. Arkansas small businesses need relief. And struggling Arkansas families need more resources left in their budget, not sucked into state government.

Arkansas currently has an income tax that punishes work, which is causing us to continue to lag behind; we must change course to compete with Texas and Tennessee.

“By convening a special session, legislators have the opportunity to make things right by passing at least an additional $250 million in income tax relief. This is less than a quarter of the surplus but would send a clear message to Arkansans and job creators across the globe that Arkansas is open for business.

“Arkansas is already the best place to live in the country. Now we need to make it the best place to work and a huge part of that is rolling back our work-punishing income tax.”

Key findings from Opportunity Arkansas’s latest poll include:

  • Nearly two-thirds (65%) of all Arkansas voters support using a surplus of the state’s $1.2 billion budget surplus to reduce income taxes, with wide support across the political spectrum.
  • A majority of Arkansas voters — by a more than two-to-one majority — support dedicating a portion of future budget surpluses to phasing out Arkansas’s state income tax once and for all.
  • When given a choice of how to allocate the state’s budget surplus, Arkansas voters overwhelmingly select reducing income tax rates over other options.
  • Key facts — like helping recruit good-paying jobs, helping small businesses, and helping struggling families — increase support for income tax phaseout even more.
  • Overall, Arkansas voters favor eliminating the state income tax by a roughly two-to-one margin.

To see the entire poll, click here.

To schedule an interview with Nic Horton, contact Rachael here.

About Opportunity Arkansas Foundation
Opportunity Arkansas Foundation is an independent, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization on a mission to renew the Land of Opportunity by simplifying government and solving generational problems for the next generation. OA stands ready to partner with state policymakers who share these goals. To learn more, visit www.OpportunityArkansas.org.

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